The September 10th 2024 Presidential Debate was an incredibly revealing look at the "character" and hypocrisy of Kamala Harris. Knowledgeable and aware U.S. citizens saw very clearly the nature of her lies. Here is what she stated, followed by an example of the first few quotes from commenters on the Fox News website regarding the surprise she gave to all when she revealed she owns a firearm:

"So one, I'll tell you when elected president, if the United States Congress continues to fail to have the courage to do something about this, I'm prepared to take executive action and put in place a ban on the importation of assault rifles into our country," she said. 'But we still have to deal with the over 2 million assault weapons that are currently in the streets of America. And so a buyback program is a good idea."

3 hours ago

The 2A does not apply to semi-auto rifles, nor does it apply to bolt action rifles, pistols, or revolvers. The 2nd Amendment RESTRICTS GOVERNMENT. The technology of any firearm is irrelevant. The restrictions on government remain the same, regardless of the firearm. The Second Amendment was not written to grant permission for citizens to own and bear firearms, it forbids government interference in the right to keep and bear arms, period. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This also applies to the other 'Rights' in our bill if rights. They are not granted, they stipulate inherent rights that the government may not prohibit. Come on America we need to get rid of this socialist administration…🙄

1 hour ago

Further, her claim that she owns a gun "like many Americans, for personal safety" is also misleading.

"Self defense" and "personal safety" are not the same things. Personal safety is only one (very narrow) type of self defense. The Constitution establishes gun ownership much more broadly.

And if she claims to be a responsible gun owner, perhaps she can tell us how often she hits the range to train with that gun, as all responsible gun owners do.

1 hour ago

"I do believe that we need to do mandatory buybacks," Harris said. "First of all, let's be clear about what assault weapons are. They have been designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly. They are weapons of war with no place on the streets of a civil society. I've seen assault weapons kill babies and police officers." Newsflash, Americans are not going to allow the government, under any circumstances to buy back any of our firearms. By far more police officers are killed by handguns, than the so called assault rifles. Government needs to do their job and start incarcerating the violent felons, and leave the law abiding citizens alone!

25 minutes ago

You are being nice calling them socialist, Communist is more accurate.

15 minutes ago

The 2nd Amendment was talking about a "well REGULATED militia. The Surpreme Court got it wrong.

5 hours ago

The ideology that a gun buy back program will somehow stop violent crime is a flawed premise. Criminals didn't get their guns legally, they certainly aren't going to give them back.

3 hours ago

De-arming citizens is the first step to authoritarian control. Just look at Canada, Australia, England, various nations of Africa, etc… think it won’t happen here? Guess again. A few short years ago, there was peace and prosperity in America.

3 hours ago

How to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers and pedestrians? Confiscate the cars of sober drivers.

That's exactly how gun control works.

20 minutes ago
They will steal yours and sell it back lol.

6 hours ago

Being a gun owner doesn’t excuse the fact Kamala Harris said she supports forced gun buybacks. And it doesn’t mean she doesn’t support it. What it means is, she’s willing to give up her firearms and forcefully take guns from others in support of her agenda.

5 hours ago

Exactly. The Biden/Harris Admin using the word "mandatory" in their proposed policies should be a red flag.

5 hours ago

LOL, you are so wrong. She wants you to give up your gun, does not mean she will give up hers. Rules for thee and not for me is the motto of Democrats. Remember the COVID lockdowns by Democrat Governors who broke all the rules they enforced on everyone else.

20 minutes ago

Typical rhetoric from a Democrat. What she feels is good for America isn't necessarily good for or apply to her.

20 minutes ago

All I could think of when she quipped that was rules for thee, not for me."

On May 2, 2024 a couple of our PS Patriot members had the privilege of attending a Purple Heart Sign Unveiling and Congressional Gold Medal Awards ceremony in Clocktower Park, Dupont Washington. The ceremony honored World War II Combat Veterans including 101 year old Harvey J. Dahos who also kindly gave some military public affairs personnel from JBLM an interview. The Lincoln Day Dinner (March 9th 2024), hosted at the Kitsap Golf and Country Club, showcased speeches by media personalities Jason Rantz and Glen Morgan.

Glen Morgan covers investigation of alleged theft of political signs by North Kitsap School District Superintendant!!!!

Pentagon Sells Off Trump Border Wall

Hamas Massacre (OCT 7 2023) - Anyone think this isn't pure evil?
(Warning: You cannot unsee this video.)

Trump Judge Faces Online Backlash

People are asking valid questions about the case against Trump being prosecuted by Letitia James... like:

  1. What standing does a plaintiff have to sue over property valuation in loan deals in which he/she is not a party to?
  2. Since lending institutions appraise properties with 3rd party appraisers and no bank or appraiser is a plantiff, where is the crime?
  3. Where is the injury that is the reason for the suit?
  4. Why did the NY AG disregard statute of limitations?
  5. Why is an Attorney General (who campaigned on "getting Trump") not recusing herself from the case? Worse, why is the judge allowing her to prosecute this case?

Trump or Death Flag

Trump Correct Again
"Once again, detractors who say that Trump is always wrong are nearly always wrong."

Pelosi's Big Mistake

Enrique States Feds Asked Him To Lie About Trump

J6 Flight Attendant Persecuted

Arizona Court Confirms Steal

52000 acres in proximity to Travis AFB sold to..?

Silicon Valley Billionaire investors in Flannery Associates (97% American capital) are behind the purchase of thousands of acres near Travis Air Force Base (northern CA)... In July the Wall Street Journal reported that in the last 5 yrs, the Associates spent $800 million+ on land zoned for agricultural purposes in northern Solano County....The mission of Flannery Associates is to buy up a patch of brown, arid hills between the suburbs and rural areas and convert it into communities for tens of thousands featuring public transportation, clean energy, and dense urban life. NOT EXACTLY AGRICULTURAL USE! This is the UN's Agenda 21 in action and how the globalists control people..intentional food shortages?!? Welcome to a land where you can no longer own property because it is controlled by the elite.

Democrat Victim Now Talks Tough

Harvard Dead Last

Eyman's Last Stand