Puget Sound Patriots Bylaws

(Approved 7 Nov 2024)

Puget Sound Patriots (PSP) is an independent body of citizen activists with a shared purpose and philosophy. It may affiliate with like-minded groups and may work cooperatively with them for common purposes. Since PSP collects funds to further its purpose and supports individual political campaigns,it is subject to the financial disclosure provisions of Washington State Law. To that end, a more formal, documented organizational structure is appropriate for PSP. The purpose of the By Laws is to establish a basic organizational structure for PSP, provide for the election of offices, provide for conduct of meetings and to establish the basic duties and responsibilities of PSP elected and appointed officers.

Puget Sound Patriots P.O. Box 141, Silverdale, WA 98383

7 Nov 2024

1. Name: The name of the organization shall be the Puget Sound Patriots, (PSP) formerly known as the Kitsap Patriots Tea Party (KPTP).

2. Purpose: To advance conservative core principles and advocate for individual rights, including individual property rights, constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and to elect qualified conservative representation.

A. In furtherance of our common purpose, the PSP will be active through peaceful assembly and open discussion to educate and influence the voting public and our elected officials, as well as to identify, engage with, and encourage potential conservative candidates to run for elected office.

B. To advance conservative core principles, conservative governance, and to educate our fellow citizens. PSP accepts the original construction of the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Constitution of the State of Washington as examples of core principles where those documents describe the rights of individuals. PSP particularly acknowledges Article I, Section I, of the Constitution of the State of Washington as a core principle.

C. PSP is an independent, non-partisan body of independent citizen activists with a shared purpose and philosophy. It may affiliate with like-minded groups across the nation and may work cooperatively with them for common purposes.

3. Voting Membership: The PSP voting membership (members in good standing) shall consist of those citizens who have financially contributed at least twice to PSP between the January and September general meetings of the current calendar year as evidenced by the records of the Treasurer.

4. Officers: The Officers of PSP shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and must be members in good standing.

A. Duties and Responsibilities:

(1) The President is the Chief Executive of the Board and official spokesperson for the Puget Sound Patriots. Responsibilities include but may not be limited to preparing agendas, calling meetings to conduct business of the Board and presiding over such meetings. The President shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out, shall sign all contracts, written agreements and all promissory notes. The President is responsible to the Board of Directors for completion of assigned duties and is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of all committees.

(2) The Vice-President shall assume the President’s duties in that Officers’ absence and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President or the PSP Board of Directors.

(3) The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Controller of the Puget Sound Patriots. Responsibilities include but may not be limited to establishing and maintaining a bank account for the PSP, deposit and disburse monies collected from and for PSP activities and maintaining a current record of PSP finances. The Treasurer shall be the primary signature of all checks for PSP and shall submit monthly and annual reports of PSP financial status to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall ensure that all legally required financial reports or forms are accurate and properly filed with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or any other lawfully established agency requiring said information, all necessary organizational information that includes but may not be limited to the list of Officers of PSP with their contact information, financial transactions, list of donors with their required identification or any other legally required data. The treasurer shall prepare a DRAFT annual budget for presenting to the Board for comment and approval.

(4) The Secretary is the official keeper of records and historian of the Puget Sound Patriots. Responsibilities include but not be limited to the recording, distribution and maintaining minutes of official Board meetings, conduct the general correspondence of PSP, maintain PSP records, keep up to date records of Board members with their addresses and contact information, and to perform other duties as may be required by the Board.

B. Elections

(1) Election of Directors shall be conducted at the annual meeting of PSP.

(2) Nominations for Directors shall be taken from the floor at the two meetings preceding the annual meeting and at the annual meeting. Nominees must be members in good standing.

(3) Elections shall be by secret ballot unless there is only one nominee for the position. Election shall require a majority vote of ballots submitted. One or more ballots will be used, as may be necessary, until all positions are filled or no candidate achieves a majority vote. At least five Directors, but not more than 9, must be elected. The results of the election shall be announced and the Directors installed in office at the annual meeting.

(4) Within two weeks of being installed, the Board of Directors will meet to elect the President and Vice President. Any member in good standing is eligible for consideration by the Board. No member shall be nominated or elected without their personal approval. Any Director nominated for either office shall recuse themselves from the deliberations and voting for that office. Officers elected by the Directors shall be announced to the membership and installed promptly.

C. Vacancies

(1) The Board of Directors shall fill any vacant positions of officers or Directors by appointment. Appointment requires a two-thirds vote of the directors voting. The appointment process shall follow the general process set forth in 4.b. above.

5. Meetings:

A. Membership Meetings
(1) The annual meeting is held in November of each year.
(2) The members present at the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
B. Board of Director Meetings
(1) The Board shall meet at least once each month at a time and place set forth by the President.
(2) A simple majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
(3) Only the Directors, Director Emeritus or their assigned proxy have voting rights at Board meetings, see 6.d.
(4) Board of Director meetings shall be open to the membership except for those meetings of the Directors properly conducted as “closed” or “executive” session.

6. Board of Directors:

A. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than five but not more than nine Directors.
B. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the voting membership.
C. Duties and responsibilities:
(1) The Board shall elect the President and Vice President.
(2) The Board shall appoint the Secretary and Treasurer.
(3) The Board shall establish policy for the PSP.
(4) The Board shall provide general oversight of the day-to-day operations of PSP.
D. Director Emeritus: Any Director having served in good standing for a minimum of (3) full years may be appointed by a majority of the Board to the position of Director Emeritus for the purposes of transition and honorable retirement from the Board. The Director Emeritus may serve in any capacity so appointed by the President of the Board but shall primarily serve the Board as mentor for the ongoing health of the organization. The Director Emeritus shall not have voting privileges during Board meetings, except that while in good standing shall be able to vote for officers of the Board during annual elections. At the sole discretion of the Board, the appointed position of Director Emeritus may be withdrawn or suspended by a majority vote of the Board after presentation of cause.

7. Committees:
A. The Standing Committees shall be:
(1) Events Committee
a) Plan and arrange monthly meetings and special events.
b) Arrange speakers for meetings and events.
(2) Fundraising Committee
a) Plan, coordinate and implement all fundraising activities in support of PSP operations.
(3) Communications Committee
a) Establish and maintain the PSP Web Site.
b) Establish and maintain effective community awareness to promote the growth of PSP.
c) Provide for effective communications with PSP members.
(4) Political Action Committee
a) Conduct appropriate research on core principles and issues to support member education and in support of candidate efforts.
b) Monitor performance of incumbent representatives.
c) Solicit candidates and arrange support for candidates, as appropriate.
(5) Nominating Committee
a) Solicit and vet nominations for PSP leadership positions. b) Committee Membership

-1 Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board of Directors.
-2 Directors may serve as members of standing committees but need not be the Chair of such committee.
-3 Committees shall report the progress of their assigned responsibilities at each meeting of the Board of Directors

B. Special Purpose Committees: The President may, from time to time, as may be considered necessary, create such special purpose committees and assign a committee chairman with the consent of the Board of Directors.

8. Parliamentary Authority: Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the process and procedure of meetings.

9. Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors. Not less than thirty (30) days notice shall be provided to the Directors and the members of any proposed amendment.