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P.O. Box 141, Silverdale, Washington 98383 United States, or by phone: 360-761-1134

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The Puget Sound Patriots is a Section 527 political organization that welcomes people of all ages, races, faiths, and political partys. We hold "truth" as a primary personal, legal, and national value and we believe when people are exposed to (and trusted with) the truth they will either embrace it, make better decisions, and be united together, or they will deny it, usually in ignorance, laziness, or with political/financial motivation, and thereby create discord. Join us at our friendly and respectful monthly meetings and learn about the really important happenings in our community, state, and world that are being ignored by our mainstream media and government sources. We also keep apprised of current local/national legislative efforts (many of them hidden or passed in late night votes with little public transparency), and our members join in on initiative drives to try and fix and prevent Olympia's terribly destructive legislative acts. We also lead and participate in flag waving activities near our military bases to show our support for our troops and for the yearly "Unforgotten Run", and hold other social activities to bring people of like mind together. Come on out to a picnic, make a friend at our after meeting watering hole, consider volunteering on our media team, initiative team, or rally team, or just invite some friends/neighbors to attend meetings with you. Start your own volunteer group if you see a need we can meet! We are always looking for ways to get our youth interested and active in politics as well. Bring your news and concerns to share during our open mic times (usually each monthly meeting).

Gadsden Flag

We believe in promoting local conservative candidates for public offices and that our legislators should have one of the easisest jobs in the world -"saying no to all legislation" that crosses their desks, unless it first passes Constitutional muster, and then only when it affects everyone equally (That is real equality in our land, and we have had that in the past only because of our U.S. Constitution which treats citizens equally.). "Only" then should legislation even be considered and "only" when absolutely necessary. Remember, every time a law is passed someone is almost always affected negatively in some way( i.e., loses a privilege, right, freedom, financial value, or quality of life).

You may have noticed lately that our legislators feel it is their job to create more and more expensive legislation (rob our pocketbooks). One practical current example is our Governor's expenditure on more traffic cameras on the highways in our state. Another is his theft of taxpayer money to pay for his cap and trade policy which does absolutely "zero" to reduce carbon emissions (just passes the buck around). It's a scam based on false science that unwitting Americans buy into that is both wildly expensive and destructive toward our energy industry, but it brings a lot of money into the gov't coffers.